10 Easy Ways to Explore Hispanic Heritage Month

Leigh Chandler, YW Boston Fund Development & Communications Associate

Did you know that it is currently National Hispanic Heritage Month? 

While Hispanic and Latinx individuals make up 17% of the population of the United States, few people know that Hispanic Heritage Month began September 15th and runs until October 15th. If you are not sure how to celebrate and engage with Hispanic culture this month, check out our list of must reads below!


1. 10 Things to Know During Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month rarely gets the spotlight it deserves. If you’re not yet familiar with why we celebrate, Arizona State University put together a list of 10 things to know.              



2. What is the Difference Between Hispanic, Latinx, and Spanish?

As you celebrate, remember that Hispanic, Latinx, and Spanish are not interchangeable terms. Kato Lazo from Bustle put together a helpful video to explain the differences between these three identity markers. Remember, it is always better to ask someone how they identify than to assume.


3. So Why Do We Use the Term Latinx?

You may have wondered why the term Latinx (rather than Latino, Latina, and Latin@) is often used to describe individuals with a cultural connection to Latin America. Elle asked 4 Latinx individuals to weigh in on what the term means to them, and how it creates a more inclusive environment for all.          



4. 11 Influential Hispanic Activists You Need to Know

Very few Hispanic activists are mentioned in our history and literature classes. Check out this list to learn more about these influential figures, and then pass on your knowledge to others.


5. 7 Latino Artists You Should Know

Google has put together an impressive collection of stories and exhibits for Hispanic Heritage Month. One highlight is their piece on Latinx artists, highlighting visual art, writing, and performance.


6. 18 Latinx Creators Speak On Identity, Passion And The Pursuit Of Greatness 

Vibe interviewed 18 Latinx creatives, and turned their words into a beautiful, emotional article about what it means to be a Latinx American. They particularly focus on intersections of privilege and under represented peoples, included LGBTQ+ and Afro Latinx individuals.                                                                                                                  



7. The Privilege of Natural-born U.S. Citizenship

While not all undocumented Americans are Latinx and the majority of Latinx Americans have documentation, it is important to keep in mind how privilege is tied to documentation status. This article begins to unpack this privilege as well as provides advice for what natural-born citizens can do to help their undocumented peers.


8. Boston Public Library’s Latino Life Book List for Adults

Every year, the Boston Public Library puts together a recommended reading list of books concerning the Latinx experience, a number of which are also available in Spanish. Revitalize your library card by checking out a book or two this week!              



9. 20 Latino PBS Movies You Can Stream for Free During Hispanic Heritage Month

Film enthusiasts, pbs.org has everything you need from narratives about documentation to animated history lessons. Check out these 20 engaging movies and documentaries, all free until October 15th.


10. “Hispanic Heritage Month” May Be Imperfect, but It’s Necessary

Throughout this month, keep in mind that many Latinx Americans do take issue with Hispanic Heritage Month, criticizing its name and the way many Americans celebrate, if they do at all. In this article, Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez delves into her own complicated relationship with Hispanic Heritage Month, and how ultimately, it is a “saving grace” for many.


We hope these 10 articles have helped deepen your understanding of Latinx and Hispanic identity in the United States. Be sure to share your favorite articles with others to keep the conversations going.

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
