May 30, 2023
By: YW Boston
15 Minutes with LeadBoston Alum Juliette Mayers
In our latest “15 minutes with” interview, DEI consultant, author, and networking expert Juliette Mayers (LeadBoston class of 1998), discusses her latest book, Strategic Networking 2.0: Harness the Power of Connection and Inclusion for Business Success. The book builds upon her previous works and delves into the importance of inclusion in networking. Mayers shares her insights on networking as a catalyst for change and achieving broader goals.
YW Boston: Can you tell us more about your latest book and what prompted you to write it?
Juliette: The book is called “Strategic Networking 2.0: Harness the Power of Connection and Inclusion for Business Success.” It builds upon my previous works and addresses recent developments. I realized that while networking and inclusion seemed obvious to me, many people didn’t see the connection. So, I wanted to be more explicit about the relationship between networking and inclusion to provide examples and guidance.
YW Boston: How do you reframe the concept of networking in your book?
Juliette: As an introvert, I approach networking strategically. I view networking as a catalyst for change and achieving goals. The book is based on my original success framework of “dream, plan, create, achieve.” It encourages individuals to dream about what’s possible, set goals, and engage in meaningful relationships across cultures to create the future they desire.
YW Boston: What should someone consider to be a more inclusive networker at an event?
Juliette: It depends on the event, but regardless of the attendees’ similarities, inclusivity should be a priority. Strategic networking is about seeking alignment with goals and building intentional relationships. Before attending an event, it’s crucial to identify your objectives and research the attendees. Reach out to those who align with your goals, even before the event, and plan to follow up after the event to foster genuine relationships.
YW Boston: How has your experience in LeadBoston impacted your career and other endeavors?
Juliette: Being part of LeadBoston, a program focused on developing leaders, came at the right time for me. It allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals who shared similar goals. I built a supportive community where I could develop ideas and receive support for the changes I wanted to make. Even after leaving the program, I maintained strong connections with many of my peers. The LeadBoston experience provided a space where I could grow and find support.
YW Boston: How do you maintain relationships with classmates and alumni after completing a program?
Juliette: Being intentional about staying connected is key. Before graduating, create a game plan with fellow classmates. Identify someone who enjoys organizing to set up a schedule for regular meetups or virtual gatherings. Graduates can deepen their relationships before the program ends and continue nurturing those connections afterward. Commitment and proactive communication are essential to maintain strong ties within the alumni community.
YW Boston: Can you tell us a little bit about your podcasting experience and what you have learned from it?
Juliette: I absolutely love podcasting and engaging in conversations with people, despite being more of an introvert. Through practice and experience, I have come to enjoy activities like hosting a podcast and speaking engagements. My podcast, “Entering the Inspiration Zone,” is designed for business professionals and entrepreneurs seeking positive connections and professional development. I intentionally focus on discussing positive aspects of business while addressing challenging topics with a silver lining or lessons to be learned. The podcast serves as a platform to apply elements of my success framework, “dream, plan, create, achieve.”
YW Boston: How do you maintain a positive mindset, especially when working in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)?
Juliette: I practice self care every day. For me that’s prayer, quiet time and exercise. Additionally, I create boundaries by limiting exposure to negative news. I consume enough news to stay current and limit my consumption; particular to negative, repetitive topics.
To learn more about Juliette and her work, visit InspirationZoneLLC.com or email info@inspirationzonellc.com. Let her know if you are also a LeadBoston alum! You can enter to win a copy of Juliette’s latest book, Strategic Networking 2.0: Harness the Power of Connection and Inclusion for Business Success by emailing Kathryn Henderson at khenderson@ywboston.org.
About LeadBoston
Our signature leadership program, LeadBoston, supports all individual participants as they create and implement a leadership commitment. This leadership commitment is an action plan that confronts some of the systemic inequities they’ve learned about and that are showing up in their organization. This plan, and the collective LeadBoston experience, empowers leaders to create meaningful change in their workplaces, in their communities, and in the city of Boston itself. Staff work alongside alums for a year following the program to ensure participants have what they need to see their plan through.