Day 15: 20 Years of AWA

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marcy reed v2We’re excited to share a guest post today from Marcy Reed, President of National Grid in Massachusetts and one of this year’s Academy of Women Achievers inductees!

We women do great things in the workplace. I see it every day. We’re achievers, leaders, and problem-solvers.

But, there’s one problem that many of us haven’t solved: how do we ensure that our skills and abilities are noticed?

Whether it is explicitly taught or implicitly learned over time, there’s something that makes women – in general – tend to downplay or stay silent about their accomplishments and talents. No one, whether it’s your boss, your boss’ boss, or your future employer, has time to search for the hidden gems in their midst. If you want that job – even if it’s outside of your comfort zone – go get it. Let your employer know why you should get it. No one is a better advocate for you than you are for yourself.

You can toot your own horn without blowing out an eardrum.

At National Grid, we recently promoted an employee after she raised her hand and said she was looking to expand her reach. She showed us how she was a great fit, and lobbied for herself. If we hadn’t known she was interested, she likely wouldn’t have gotten the position. She got what she wanted because she demonstrated why we should choose her – and she asked.

When I joined National Grid in 1988, I thought I had found a stable position in finance. By training, I’m an accountant. My job now, however, requires that I be not only a “numbers” person, but also a communicator, a listener, a leader, a public speaker, and more. I’ve had many different jobs along the way. Some of these roles haven’t always been within my comfort zone. By stretching beyond the familiar, and advocating for myself, I was able to reach where I am now.

So, get out of your comfort zone. Keep your eyes open to all opportunities. Do great things, be your best advocate, and make the world notice.

Marcy Reed is responsible for the financial, operational, and customer service performance of National Grid in Massachusetts and manages relationships with regulators, government officials and the communities National Grid serves.  Marcy joined National Grid over 25 years ago and has held various positions in finance, merger integration, and corporate affairs.  She also spent 3 years living in London as the National Grid Head of Investor Relations. Â