January 18, 2025
Honoring Martin Luther King in 2025
Monday, January 20 marks Martin Luther King Day, a day of reflection and celebration of a man who dedicated his life to fighting for social justice, equality, and civil rights. This year, the day carries additional weight, as it coincides with the inauguration of a new administration that has previewed ambitions to curtail DEI and revoke civil rights. The significance of these two events on the same day is not lost on us. It forces us to confront a reality that feels, at times, uncertain and troubling, while also urging us to honor the legacy of a man who spent his life battling for a more just and equitable society.
King’s vision of love, justice, and unity, juxtaposed with the inauguration of a president whose policies and rhetoric have often been divisive, may leave many of us feeling conflicted. For some, this day may be a reminder of how far we have come and yet how far we still have to go. For others, it may amplify feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness.
Many of us may choose to distance ourselves from the inauguration altogether. That decision is valid—sometimes, the best way to protect our mental and emotional health is to disengage from a moment that feels fraught. However, as we reflect on the enduring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., we must recognize that his work was never about avoiding uncomfortable truths or difficult conversations. It was about confronting them head-on, with courage and commitment.
In a recent Instagram post, Bernice King, the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr., acknowledged the tension many of us may feel as we approach the inauguration. She wrote, “I certainly understand the desire to tune out rhetoric, ideology, and policies with which we passionately disagree… However, we must pay attention to what President-Elect Trump speaks on that day, even if by transcript and video later. We cannot develop a strategic, love-centered strategy for addressing language and legislation if we are not also strategic in our listening and leadership.”
These words are a powerful reminder that to effectively challenge harmful rhetoric and policies, we must first understand them. We must stay engaged, even when it feels difficult, and continue to listen—to learn, to strategize, and to lead with love.
As we look ahead, we can draw inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr.’s unwavering commitment to justice. His vision was one of unity, peace, and love, but he also understood that true change requires action. It is not enough to simply lament the state of the world; we must work together to create the world we want to see. During a time when our nation feels so divided, it is more important than ever that we lean into King’s teachings: to stand firm in our beliefs, to practice nonviolent resistance, and to continue pushing for social, economic, and racial justice for all. Whether we choose to protest, volunteer, or engage in our communities, let us be reminded that progress is never easy, but it is always possible. Also, remember that our strength lies in solidarity—together, we can carry the torch of justice forward, just as King did. His legacy calls us to keep moving forward, to stay vigilant, and to ensure that the dream he so passionately fought for is never lost.
Kathryn Henderson
Interim CEO
PS – In the spirit of Martin Luther King’s belief in generosity as a core component in the pursuit of a more just society, please consider making a gift to YW Boston. Your support goes a long way towards making sure that we can continue our vital work of eliminating racism and empowering women during these uncertain times.