A Letter From Sylvia Ferrell-Jones

Dear Friends,

Lately, I have spent some time reflecting on the good work that you have made possible throughout my decade-long tenure at YW Boston. I started my journey as CEO and President of this organization, deeply committed to advancing the mission of eliminating racism, empowering women and working to ensure that everyone has a chance to live a happier, healthier and more productive life in our city. Entering retirement, I feel fortunate to have fought this good fight and to have met so many amazing committed, bright, and loving people along the way.

Looking back at everything we have done together, I can see how far we have come and I rejoice at all of the progress made in our struggle to bring peace, justice and freedom for all. It means a great deal to me to have been at the helm of this community, pushing back on injustice and holding systems accountable for evolving laws and practices that exclude or punish people who do not fit neatly into oppressive societal molds.

But even as I reflect and write of our accomplishments, I can see how much work still lies ahead of us. Yet, I am not discouraged. I believe in what we stand for and I trust that this community will find a way to ensure that Boston sees another 150 years of progress brought forth by the visionary work of YW Boston leadership.

When I heard the news that the Sylvia Ferrell-Jones Fund had been created to support the work of YW Boston, it brought me a great sense of peace knowing that this fund will help this important organization continue to grow and impact the lives of future generations. I could not ask for a better legacy than our collective striving towards fulfilling the promise of this mission.

I am deeply honored and humbled by your generosity of spirit, and your willingness to remember me, and to keep this work moving steadily toward a more equitable society. I am grateful for the gifts that have been bestowed in my name and feel blessed to celebrate with all of you the commitments you are pledging with your time, energy and resources to keep elevating lives, championing the work of women achievers and creating opportunity for constructive dialogues that heal and unify this great city.

My hope is that these words will reach you and that this letter can convey at least a portion of the immense gratitude I feel toward having connected with all of you. The time we have spent serving this worthy cause means more to me than I can say.

Thank you for making sure that our vision continues to effect change far into the future.

Wishing you all the best.


Sylvia Ferrell-Jones

Please support the Sylvia Ferrell-Jones Fund.