In Loving Memory of Sylvia Ferrell-Jones

Sylvia Memorial Page

Dear YW Boston Community,

It is with great sadness that we share news of the passing of our dear friend Sylvia Ferrell-Jones.  We, at YW Boston, extend our deepest condolences to her husband, Sal, daughter Lauren, and son Evan. Our hearts are with her family and the large community of friends she made through her work advancing women and racial equity.

During her time as President and CEO of YW Boston, Sylvia worked tirelessly to eliminate racism and empower women in Boston and beyond. She encouraged and mentored hundreds of women, including me, and inspired us all to turn experiences of injustice and inequality into leadership and power.

Sylvia was uniquely skilled at bringing people together across race, gender, class and sector. Her ability to bring diverse groups of people together for good continues as people contribute to the Sylvia Ferrell-Jones Fund to ensure that her legacy lives on well into the future.

In a letter she wrote this past October thanking all of those who have contributed to establishing the Sylvia Ferrell-Jones Fund, she shared reflections of her work along with an important and timely call to action.

Please take a moment to read Sylvia’s letter and consider joining us as we build upon Sylvia’s vision for Boston.


Beth Chandler
Interim President & CEO