Our 2020 vision for Boston


Over the last year, YW Boston staff and board members have been hard at work redefining and expanding our services and program portfolio. In 2018, thanks to this work and the support of generous donors, we were able to help over 700 individuals within organizations in Boston build more inclusive and equitable environments. Our InclusionBoston program, formerly known as Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity, now integrates sophisticated evaluation and data-oriented action plans that help organizations improve diversity and inclusion. As part of this work, we partner with organizations large and small all over the Greater Boston Area. Candyss Woodberry, First Grade Teacher at Bridge Boston Charter School, recalls their experience with the program:

“InclusionBoston helped us take a real look at ourselves, ask some hard questions, and identify next steps to reveal the true appreciation and value that our school places on diversity and inclusion.

Candyss Woodberry, First Grade Teacher, Bridge Boston Charter School

On the other hand, LeadBoston continues to build a robust network of leaders committed to advancing diversity and inclusion throughout the city. A recent graduate of the Class of 2019 recalls the experience:

With the skills and connections that I developed through LeadBoston, I plan to change the perceptions that Boston is not welcoming to people of color. The program brought together an incredible network of people that I am confident will work with me to make Boston an even better home for all individuals, particularly those who look like me.”

Jae Williams, LeadBoston Class of 2019, Faculty at Emerson College

Our F.Y.R.E. Initiative formally launched this fall, empowering Boston middle school girls through social justice education, positive identity development, and civic engagement.

As part of YW Boston’s work, we also engage the public through advocacy, research, partnerships, and events such as our Women on the Rise Panel, Academy of Women Achievers Luncheon, Elevating Lives Series, and Stand Against Racism campaign. 

Our Advocacy Committee supports YW Boston’s mission to eliminate racism and empower women by engaging elected officials, organizations, and the public through legislative advocacy, coalition building, education, and action.  We work with volunteer community members to develop and implement the organization’s advocacy agenda to rectify structural barriers to equity for women, girls, and people of color. In 2019, YW Boston launched the Parity on Board coalition in support of legislation promoting greater diversity on Massachusetts’ public boards and commissions.


We can’t do it without you!

While our impact in the city of Boston continues to grow, there is still more work to be done. A gift to YW Boston will directly support the pursuit of a more inclusive city where women, people of color, and particularly women of color can thrive. With your generosity, YW Boston will continue its 153-year legacy well into the future.

Your donation will help create sustainable change in the City of Boston and fuel our mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.