Understanding Social Identities

This workshop provides a comprehensive foundational understanding of social identities, what they are, how they are formed, and how social identities interact with systems of oppression in the form of social advantages and disadvantages. YW Boston’s expert facilitators introduce key concepts and historical context about which groups have accumulated social advantages and disadvantages. Participants reflect and apply learnings to their personal lives.


Workshop Overview

Introduction: Workshop Objectives
Facilitators lay the foundation for the workshop, introduce dialogue practices, and have participants get to know one another.

Section I: Social Identities
Facilitators introduce the concepts of social identity and shared social constructs. Participants reflect on their own social identities individually and as a group.

Section II: Frameworks, Definitions, and Theory
Participants explore frameworks and definitions of identity, manifestations of oppression, and intersectionality of social identities. This creates a shared understanding and lays the groundwork for deeper analysis.

Section III: Theory of Practice
Participants review case studies and reflect on advantages and disadvantages as they relate to social identities.

Section IV: Envisioning
Individuals envision empowerment and actions to address bias, privilege, and disadvantages as they relate to diversity, equity, and inclusion.