April: Exploring Boston’s Neighborhoods

Program Day

Date: April 13, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Roxbury Community College, Building 3, Student Common Rooms 3&4 (see reminder email or YW Boston Connect event page for meeting details)

Travel Information: MBTA via Roxbury Crossing encouraged. Parking available in lots 1&2 in any spot not reserved.

Click here for a map of the Roxbury Community College campus to locate the correct building and parking lots.


Our objectives are to

  • Become oriented to the city of Boston
  • Research the strengths and needs of neighborhoods
  • Begin getting to know classmates
  • 8:45 am           Continental breakfast available
  • 9:00 am           Welcome & opening remarks
  • 9:30 am Changing Faces of Boston – Past, Present, & Future                                         

Expert Speaker: Anne Calef, Boston Indicators

  • 10:30am          Neighborhood small group visits. Lunch with your group in your neighborhood.
  • 2:30 pm          Group report-back & dialogue
  • 4:00 pm          April Leadership Commitment Prep Group Presentation
  • 4:45 pm          Evaluations & Closing Remarks

Complete the following readings before our program day:

Additional (optional) recommended: