Thank you for taking a STAND with YW Boston!

We are glad you have signed up to host a conversation on race around our exclusive curated content. Our guest curators have thoughtfully drafted discussion questions that will help your group have meaningful conversations around racism, its manifestations, and what we can do to disrupt it.


How to Get Started:

  1. Download the Stand Against Racism 2019 Toolkit. This kit is designed to help you and your groups plan your STAND and organize your vision for an engaging learning experience.
  2. Choose which curated content piece(s) you’ll be discussing with your group(s) from the options below and set a date in April to start your discussion.
  3. Amplify your STAND! Share your progress, photos or videos with @YWBoston. Use the hashtags #BostonRacialEquity, #StandAgainstRacism or #YWeStand. YW Boston will highlight participants on social media and include them on our 2019 STAND roundup.


Stand Against Racism 2019 Curated Content

Click on a curator to access content and discussion questions. Use the menu below to browse by content type.