Geeta Aiyer


Professional Affiliation: Founder & President, Boston Common Asset Management, LLC.

Background and Community Activities: Geeta combines training and over 25 years of experience in finance with passion for the environment and social justice. Under Geeta’s leadership, Boston Common has built a strong investment record and substantially improved the policies and practices of portfolio companies through shareowner engagement since the firm’s inception in 2003. Geetaā€™s prior work experience includes positions at United States Trust Company (Boston), Cambridge Associates, Inc., and in rural development/public administration in India.Ā  She has founded Walden Capital Management (1994), as well as a non-profit, Direct Action for Women Now (DAWN) Worldwide.

Geeta was honored with the Joan Bavaria Award (2015) for Building Sustainability into the Capital Markets and the SRI Service Award (2013), recognizing leadership and innovation in SRI (Sustainable, Responsible, Impact) investing. Geeta serves on the UN-supported PRI Association Board and the Board of Directors of the Sierra Club Foundation, Earthworks, and YW Boston. She received her MBA from Harvard University and her BA (Hons) and MA degrees from the University of Delhi, India.