Sylvia Ferrell-Jones Memorial

SFJ Memorial

On January 6, 2018, hundreds of friends, colleagues, and community members joined Sylvia Ferrell-Jones’ family at Old South Church in Boston to celebrate Sylvia’s life of achievements. Sylvia Ferrell-Jones, YW Boston’s former President and CEO for over ten years, passed away from cancer on November 29, 2017. Among those who spoke were Anita Hill, a longtime friend of Sylvia’s, and Mayor Walsh, who worked with Sylvia closely to promote women and people of color in Boston. YW Boston board member Mim Minichiello spoke of her close friendship with Sylvia, and Sylvia’s remarkable work at the organization.

Music was an integral part of Sylvia’s service, with The Handel and Haydn Society and the Back Bay Chorale performing pieces Sylvia chose for her service. Those who spoke and performed spoke to Sylvia’s dedication to her work and to the people in Boston, through her career and board service, and as a person whose passion and generosity inspired everyone around her.

Watch a slideshow of photos from the reception following Sylvia’s service. Read Sylvia’s letter about the Sylvia Ferrell-Jones Fund here.