Tell Congress to give kids a chance!

“To hold children responsible or culpable for any wrongdoing by their parents is something we don’t do in any other area of the law. For this particular group of young people in America, I beg my colleagues give them a chance. Give these young people a chance.” -Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)

Millions of young adults, through no fault of their own, were brought to the United States unlawfully as infants, toddlers, or children. These young adults grow up in a country they know and love as their home, only to find out that what they believe to be reality—that they are US Citizens—is in fact not so.

Recognizing that children cannot be held accountable for the actions of their parents, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Richard Lugar (R-IN), introduced the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), a bipartisan bill that would provide undocumented youth an opportunity to earn legal status, and possibly citizenship.

Recently, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced plans to bring the DREAM Act up for a vote as an amendment to the Department of Defense authorization bill.  It is scheduled to be voted on in the Senate as early as next Tuesday. Please contact your United States Senators and tell them to support passage of the DREAM Act.

Call your member of Congress toll-free 1-866-996-5161 for English and 866-961-4293 for Spanish. You will have to make two calls: one to each of your Senators. To find the names of your Senators click here.

“My name is _________ and I am a constituent. I am calling to urge the Senator to support the Dream Act.

The Dream Act is a common-sense and fair piece of legislation. It would address the needs of undocumented youth, who were brought here as children through no fault of their own, and find themselves in legal limbo as a result. It would not grant them amnesty as opponents of the bill argue, but instead would provide them with an opportunity fully contribute to our society.

As a constituent, I strongly urge the Senator to support the Dream Act. Thank you.”

The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act or DREAM Ac (S. 729) is a bipartisan bill with 40 co-sponsors, that would provide undocumented youth an opportunity to earn-not just be given-permanent legal status, and after several years, possibly citizenship.

Under the bill, young women and men would be eligible to obtain legal status and possible citizenship if they met specific criteria: 1) came to the United States as children aged 15 or younger, 2) have been in the United States for at least 5 years 3) have good moral character 4) have a High School diploma or a G.E.D., and 5) complete two years of college or military service. It is estimated that this legislation may help nearly 1 million young women and men.

To watch a three-minute video on the Dream Act visit:

To learn more about the Dream Act and how it would help women and girls specifically please visit: Summary of the Dream Act and The DREAM Act: Correcting Myths and Misperceptions