August 19, 2022
YW Boston encourages you to use your vote. Here’s how.
Our mission to eliminate racism and empower women is impossible to achieve without civic engagement and true democracy. It is crucial that we use our voice and ensure equitable rights for people who have been systemically marginalized and oppressed. The upcoming elections will set the tone of the nation for years to come.
Climate change. Electoral reform. Social and racial equity. Accessible healthcare. Economic inequality. All of these issues are what’s at stake, and more.
Voting access is a racial justice issue. Historically, barriers to the ballot box have disproportionally affected people of color, people with disabilities, and other communities. Check out this online resource that offers you a sample ballot based on your address.
Is this your first time voting, or do you need a refresher on what to expect this election season?
Election 101
This year, in Massachusetts, we have a Governor’s Election alongside the U.S. House (federal congresspeople), State Senate, State House, and a Special state legislative. In Boston, we have a city council election and district attorney and sheriff. For more information about the breakdown, visit Massachusetts elections, 2022 – Ballotpedia.
Statewide Primary Elections start September 6, 2022. A primary election is held in order to vote on what candidate represents each party; Republican and Democrat are the major parties in the United States. Often, there are multiple democrats or multiple republicans running for the election so the primary allows voters to choose one for each party. When you go to receive your ballot, you must vote on your registered party ballot. For example, if you are a democrat, you can only vote for which democrat will win the primary. You cannot vote for which republican will. If you are a registered independent, you can choose which ballot to vote for.
November 8, 2022 is the General Election in Massachusetts, where we will get the chance to vote for the ultimate winner of our state and local elections. As mentioned, this year is a big one in Massachusetts since it is a Gubernatorial race (governor’s election).
For a breakdown of candidate profiles, please visit the CfJJ Youth Justice Voter Guide.
YW Boston emphasizes the importance of voting as early as possible. Below are some dates to look out for this election season.
Important Dates for Massachusetts Elections
August 27, 2022
- In-person early voting for the state primary begins.
- Last day to register to vote and change party enrollment for the state primary. Registration sessions must be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
September 2, 2022
- In-person early voting for the state primary ends.
September 5, 2022
- Labor Day
September 6, 2022
- State Primary
October 10, 2022
- Indigenous People’s Day
October 22, 2022
- In-person early voting for the state election begins.
October 29, 2022
- Last day to register to vote for the state election. 9 am to 5 pm.
November 4, 2022
- In-person early voting for the state election ends.
November 8, 2022
- State election
How to Vote
Here are some easy steps to follow as you consider your action plan for voting this Fall.
- Register to vote, if not already registered.
- Confirm your state election’s rules
- Confirm your registration status
- Know your deadlines (see above!)
- Are you an early voter? Early voting is an election option created in many states to allow folks to head to the polls outside of Election Day. Most early voting locations are more central to the general public and have several hours and days allotted to vote.
- A mail-in voter? You can request to mail-in your ballot in Massachusetts. This gives you the chance to vote from home! Just be sure to check for deadlines.
- An in-person voter? Consider where your polling location is, and what time you are able to get there.
- Spread the word! Are your friends and family members registered to vote? Send them these resources as they create their own voting plan.
- Become a poll worker! If you’re looking to be more involved, this is a great way to start.
- Celebrate the right to vote! Get #VoteReady | National Voter Registration Day
About YW Boston
As the first YWCA in the nation, YW Boston has been at the forefront of advancing equity for over 150 years. Through our DEI Services as well as our advocacy work and F.Y.R.E. Initiative, we help individuals and organizations change policies, practices, attitudes, and behaviors with a goal of creating more inclusive environments where women, people of color, and especially women of color can succeed.
As part of that work, we are helping organizations prioritize Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and become socially connected while staying physically distant. During this time, YW Boston is providing organizations with digital workshops and resources to help them better understand the challenges faced by their employees. For more information, please contact Sheera Bornstein at sheera@ywboston.org.