YWomen’s Advocacy Alert: Help YWCA Ratify CEDAW

Time and time again President Obama has declared his support for women worldwide and announced that the ratification of the CEDAW – the Women’s Rights Treaty – was an important priority.  Now we need him to show leadership in advancing women and girls’ rights around the world. 

As women and men who believe in the basic rights of women and girls worldwide – the right to live free from violence, the ability to go to school, and access to the political system – we need President Obama to send a strong and urgent signal to the Senate that ratification of CEDAW is vital.

We are within striking distance of CEDAW ratification, but the window of opportunity is closing, and fast.  We cannot allow the United States to continue to be one of only 7 countries in the world that has not ratified CEDAW. 

We know that CEDAW works. Several countries, including Australia, Brazil, Morocco, South Africa, and Uganda have incorporated provisions in the CEDAW treaty into their constitutions and domestic legal codes.  Additionally, Egypt, Jordan, Nicaragua, and Pakistan have all seen significant increases in literacy rates after improving access to education for girls and women.  

Please click here to tell President Obama that the women and girls of the world can’t wait any longer – we need CEDAW now!                                         
